Are interlibrary or intercampus loan services available?


The campus/center libraries offer intercampus and interlibrary loan (ILL) services.

For intercampus borrowing, within the library's online catalog, place a request for an item, and select one of the campuses/centers as a pick-up location.  Once the item arrives at the selected campus, you will receive an email (sent to your FSCJ student email account) notifying you that the item is available for pick-up.

To borrow an item from another state college or university library, follow the instructions in the catalog for UBorrow.

If you are not able to locate your item at FSCJ or via UBorrow, contact your campus librarian or ask for help via LibChat.

  • Last Updated Sep 27, 2021
  • Views 228
  • Answered By Shannon Dew

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