How do I get a certificate showing I completed a module in the Research Skills Mini Course (RSMC)?



Students who complete all 8 modules of the Research Skills Mini Course, and submit an exit survey, receive the Information Literacy Certified digital badge. Students are not issued certificates of completion for individual modules of the Research Skills Mini Course.

If your professor requires proof of module completion, students are encouraged to either 1) use a screenshot of their module assignment grade as proof of completion or 2) download a copy of their grades.

To download a copy of your grades, follow these steps:

  • In the Research Skills Mini Course, click on Grades
  • At the top of your Grades page, open the dropdown under Arrange By, select Module, and click the Apply button. then, click the Print Grades button.
  • Once the print screen has opened, save as a PDF, then submit the PDF to your professor.
  • Last Updated Sep 13, 2023
  • Views 70
  • Answered By Julie Pactor

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