How do I get my Information Literacy Certified digital badge for completing the Research Skills Mini Course (RSMC)?


Students who have successfully completed the Research Skills Mini Course (RSMC) are eligible for the Information Literacy Certified digital badge. To qualify the badge, students are required to:

  • Complete Modules 1-7 plus either Module 8 (MLA style) OR Module 9 (APA style)
  • Earn a minimum score of 7 on all post tests and a minimum score of 42 on all module assignments
  • Submit an exit survey

All assignments are graded individually. Laura Iamiceli ( issues the badges. Please allow 3-5 business days to receive your digital badge after completing the course and submitting your exit survey.

Badges/certificates are not issued for completing single modules. For information on how to provide proof of module completion for your professor, please see this FAQ.


  • Last Updated Sep 04, 2024
  • Views 74
  • Answered By Julie Pactor

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